During the week, our members and friends can be found scattered
throughout the Denver metro area.
We come from all walks of life-we are young and old and middle aged: educators, chaplains, hard hats, business people and unemployed, married and single and divorced, full of faith and full of doubts and sometimes full of both.
Whether we are together or apart, in our church building (founded in 1907) or in our homes, schools, neighborhoods or workplaces, our prayer is that we be a family of God, living our faith and growing by joyfully surrendering to Jesus, freely sharing our lives and humbly embracing the hurting.
We would love to have you join our family as we seek to live this life together!
As a Christian church, we believe that Jesus Christ is God's greatest gift to the world. We believe that Jesus came to bring abundant life to us and to all of creation, and that He is the only source of true hope and peace. We believe that Jesus redefines our relationships with God and with each other and that a relationship with Jesus is the only way to true meaning and fulfillment. And we believe that growing up to be like Jesus--as individuals and as a community--should be our greatest ambition.
We want our community to be all about Jesus! Whether you already share in this passion for Jesus or would simply like to learn more about him, we welcome you!
Like all Christian churches, we are a community that is centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ. But as a Christian Reformed Church, we have a unique way of speaking about our Christian faith--our own "theological accent."
Our "accent" emphasizes that we serve a very BIG God who has very BIG plans for us and the world he made. Much of this accent is shaped by the work of the 16th century "reformers" from whom we take our name.
Like the early reformers, we proclaim that we belong, in life and in death, to the God who has made himself known to us in Jesus, and that our world belongs to him, too. We take comfort in knowing that he continues to hold our lives in his hands and that he alone is responsible for our salvation. We are also challenged by our belief that he puts his claim on every inch of our lives, and we rejoice because we believe he intends to renew and restore not just our "souls", but his entire Creation.
We believe that Christians are called to live in relationship with other members of the body of Christ. First CRC is one expression of this family.
As a family, we desire to welcome people of all different ages and backgrounds so that we can worship God together, grow in faith together, and serve God and his world together.
Taking time for community in sharing meals together and reflecting on how God is working in your life.
In God's Word
Time in God's word and reflecting together as a group.
Each group has an elder and deacon team who want to know and serve the people in their group. When you have a need, joy or concern to share, feel free to contact the elder/deacon in your group